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Published on July 9, 2013 News

Ombudsman is the most popular Czech public institution

Ombudsman Pavel Varvarovsky is the most popular institution of the Czech social and political life, followed by President Milos Zeman, according to a CVVM's agency poll.

The respondents marked the performance of the institutions from 1 (best) to 5 (worst) like in Czech schools. Though considered the best, Varvarovsky received an average mark of 2.47, while Zeman was marked 2.87 on the average.

All the other bodies and their top representatives received marks from 3 to 4. The most popular among political parties are the senior opposition Social Democrats (CSSD; 3.17). Outgoing Prime Minister Petr Necas, lower house head Miroslava Nemcova (both ODS) and upper house head Milan Stech (CSSD) were marked 3.69, 3.47 and 3.39, respectively.

The CVVM conducts this poll annually. Compared with 2012, all the parties and institutions were assessed slightly more positively than last year.


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