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Published on April 17, 2013 News

People turn more often to ombudsman, especially with social problems

Ombudsman received 8641 citizens' complaints in 2012, one fifth more than in 2011 as the impact of social reforms and austerity measures being taken amid the economic crisis. 60 percent of the complaints received fall within the mandate of the ombudsman. These facts mean that people's legal awareness and the level of their resolve in seeking justice, even in the form of complaints, has been increasing.  

The most frequent complaints are made in the area of social security. The fact that people are faced with greater social problems is proved by a 36 percent increase in the number of complaints concerning social security the ombudsman received last year compared with 2011.

Based on his activities in 2012, the ombudsman addressed 11 recommendations to the Chamber of Deputies, where he refers to amendments to the legal regulations that he considers desirable. However, he admits that except one, none of his 7 recommendations to the Chamber of Deputies from previous year have been fulfilled in contrast with the recommendation for 2010 which have been completely fulfilled.


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