Published on October 17, 2018
The employers should not reject job candidates only because they wish to receive their salary in cash
The Ombudswoman dealt with the matter concerning the rejection of job candidates who were not willing to make an agreement with the employer that their salary would be sent to their bank account. In other words, they preferred to be paid by cash.
First of all, it must be stressed that sending a salary to a bank account is a matter of agreement between the employee and the employer. Excluding candidates who do not wish to make such an agreement could lead to them being indirectly discriminated against on grounds of property. They might end up (albeit temporarily) without financial means and unable to e.g. pay the rent or child maintenance. Moreover, paying salary in cash is still the primary method of payment pursuant to the Labour Code. It also constitutes a form of protection of the employee as the weaker party and ensures that people subject to a distraint procedure are able to obtain a living and pay their debts.
For these reasons, the Ombudswoman recommended that employers do not avoid employing persons who wish to receive their salaries in cash. At the same time, Labour inspectorates should remain vigilant, inform the employers of their illegal practices and order them to remedy the situation.