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Published on September 3, 2007 News

Unauthorised disposal of hazardous waste in Libčany

Unauthorised disposal of hazardous waste in Libčany

Following a complaint filed together with Senator Karel Barták, the mayor of Hradec Králové Otakar Divíšek, the Deputy of Parliament David Kafka and the mayor of the Libčany municipality Jiří Polák, the deputy of the Defender opened an inquiry into the unauthorised disposal of hazardous waste in Libčany near Hradec Králové and in Hradec Králové.

The inquiry aims to review the procedure of the administrative authorities that had not effectively prevented the unauthorised and hazardous conduct. Last but not least, the deputy of the Defender is investigating how the safety of citizens, people’s health and the protection of the environment were and are ensured. The inquiry is also aimed at ascertaining as to whether future prevention of similar situations has been ensured.


Unauthorised disposal of hazardous waste in Libčany

Following a complaint filed together with Senator Karel Barták, the mayor of Hradec Králové Otakar Divíšek, the Deputy of Parliament David Kafka and the mayor of the Libčany municipality Jiří Polák, the deputy of the Defender opened an inquiry into the unauthorised disposal of hazardous waste in Libčany near Hradec Králové and in Hradec Králové.

The inquiry aims to review the procedure of the administrative authorities that had not effectively prevented the unauthorised and hazardous conduct. Last but not least, the deputy of the Defender is investigating how the safety of citizens, people’s health and the protection of the environment were and are ensured. The inquiry is also aimed at ascertaining as to whether future prevention of similar situations has been ensured.



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