I am a citizen of the European Union
Thanks to European Union every member state designated one or more bodies which provides help to EU citizens abroad and thus contributes to the full exercise of free movement of EU citizens. The list of the bodies is available at European Commission webpage. The Defender is the designated body in the Czech Republic.
The Defender may be contacted by people who faced unequal treatment on grounds of their nationality and who are EU citizens (i. e. citizens of a member state of the European Union) or members of their family (even if they are not EU citizens themselves). Citizens from countries of the European Economic Area (Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein) enjoy the same rights as EU citizens.
Antidiscrimination Act prohibits discrimination of workers (employees) from other EU member states and their family members primarily in access to employment and conditions of employment, especially as regards working conditions, remuneration, promotion, health and safety at work or membership in trade unions; further also in the access to social and tax advantages, training, housing and as regards assistance afforded by the employment offices.
Main tasks of the Defender in this area are to:
Provide information to EU citizens about their rights, who to contact and how to proceed
Provide methodical assistance in cases of alleged discrimination on grounds of nationality and advises how to submit an application to initiate proceedings on the grounds of discrimination
Communicate with public authorities and private persons in cases regarding the exercise of the right of free movement and equal treatment on grounds of nationality
Carry out research, publish reports and recommendations in the area of the free movement of EU citizens and equal treatment on grounds of nationality
Communicate with bodies in other member states who have been designated to fulfil the same tasks
The aim of the Defender in this field is to facilitate the free movement of workers across European Union. EU citizens have the right to move freely to another member state in order to work there and they have the right to be treated equally as nationals of that state. Free movement of workers is guaranteed in founding treaties – in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and is further specified in subsequent legal acts. EU citizens and their family members enjoy the right of equal treatment as regards access to employment, conditions of employment and work, in particular with regard to remuneration, dismissal, and tax and social advantages. The Defender acts as a contact point for people who face problems in above specified areas. The Defender can also deal with cases submitted by persons who are not Union workers (person with income from other sources than employment, students, etc.), even if they don’t enjoy the right of equal treatment in all cases.
More information on how the Defender may assist you is available here.
Collection of opinions of the Defender on the topic Citizenship of the European Union.
- Citizens of the European Union
- Bürger der Europäischen Union
- Citoyens de l'Union européenne
- Obywatele Unii Europejskiej
- Аз съм гражданин на друга държава-членка на ЕС
- Sunt cetățeanul unui alt stat membru al UE
Useful information can also be found at European Ombudsman and European Network of Ombudsmen websites.
We also held a workshop for representatives of ministries and other authorities, some regions and non-profit organizations working with foreigners - EU citizens. The aim of the workshop was to present the results of an extensive survey of EU citizens in the Czech Republic, which found out how EU citizens live in the Czech Republic and what problems they face, and also to discuss the Defender's recommendations based on this research. Here you can watch Recommendations and Survey analysis report.
- If you have any other questions, you may try to find the answer on Your Europe website.
If you have a problem with a private entity:
It is always recommendable to try firstly to reach an agreement and settle the dispute amicably.
In some cases you might file a complaint to an inspection authority – e. g. Labour Inspectorate [Oblastní inspektorát práce] in employment cases, Czech Trade Inspection Authority [Česká obchodní inspekce] in consumer cases (sale of goods and services), Czech School Inspection [Česká školní inspekce] in education cases, Regional Authority [krajský úřad] in health care cases, etc.; for more information see above the relevant chapters on our website
You may file a lawsuit – it is advisable to consult an attorney specialized in the relevant field of law firstly. Or you may make use of mediation.
If you have a problem with public entity/authority:
If you don’t agree with an administrative decision, you may challenge the decision – file an appeal [odvolání] or make use of another remedy [rozklad, námitky]. Information about available remedies are always at the end of the decision.
If no other remedy is available, you may file a complaint with the authority that deals with your case.
If you exhaust ordinary remedies, you may file a lawsuit. In such a case it is advisable to consult an attorney specialized in the relevant field of law firstly.
Alternatively to filing a lawsuit, you may turn to SOLVIT – SOLVIT is an online service provided free of charge which might help you to solve your problems with authorities if they don’t apply European Union law correctly. For more information see SOLVIT website.
In all cases, you may turn to Ombudsman – we may advise you on your rights and the best way how to defend your rights. There are also non-governmental organizations that provide assistance to foreigners.
Access to employment
As a citizen of the European Union, you have the right to access employment in the Czech Republic under the same conditions as citizens of the Czech Republic.
You can work without restrictions in the public sector. Exceptions can only be job positions linked to the exercise of public authority and the safeguarding of fundamental security interests of the state. Details are available here (https://ec.europa.eu/youreurope → Citizens → Work & Retirement → Finding a job abroad → Access to jobs in the public sector).
If you are looking for a job in the Czech Republic, you can use EURES - the European Job Mobility Portal. The registration of vacancies is also available on the website of Labour Office (Úřad práce) (www.uradprace.cz English version → Employment → Foreign Employment → Jobs for Foreigners).
EURES Advisers are available at the offices of the Labour Office in the regions. List of these offices can be found here: https://www.uradprace.cz/web/en/contact.
You can find the basic rights and duties of the job seeker here (www.uradprace.cz English version → Employment→ For citizens → Rights and obligations of a jobseeker). Further details on employing foreigners here (www.uradprace.cz English version → EURES → Living and working conditions).
The employment contract must always be concluded in writing in the Czech Republic. In addition to the standard employment relationship, two other types of work agreement (up to 20 hours per week or up to 300 hours per year) may also be negotiated. For these agreements, slightly different condition applies.
A probationary period (maximum of 3 months, 6 months for executives) can be arranged for employment, during which the employment can be terminated immediately and without giving any reason.
When working in the Czech Republic, you are entitled to the same conditions as Czech citizens. This right also applies to your family members. Details are available here (https://ec.europa.eu/youreurope → Citizens → Work & Retirement → Working abroad → Equal treatment).
Basic information about regulation of labour relations is available here.
Working conditions
The employer is obliged to ensure equal treatment of all employees in terms of their working conditions, remuneration for work, training and opportunity to promotion in employment
The employer may not discriminate employees in any way, in particular on grounds of sex, sexual orientation, racial or ethnic origin, nationality, citizenship, social origin, gender, language, health, age, religion or belief, property, marital and family status, or duties to family, political or other sentiments, membership and activities in political parties or political movements in trade unions or employers' organizations.
The principle of equal pay for equal work applies. Work pay must also not be less than the minimum wage (or wage guaranteed).
The State Labour Inspection Office [Státní úřad inspekce práce] is authorized to monitor compliance of the employer with working conditions. (www.suip.cz → English version)
If you want to make a complaint about your working conditions, you may file a complaint to the employer. The employer has to deal with it and let you know about the result. You may also lodge a complaint to the State Labour Inspection Office or file a lawsuit.
Posting of workers
If your employer sends you to work in another Member State to work in the Czech Republic, she is obliged to notify the relevant local office of the Labour Office in writing.
When sending an employee in the territory of the Czech Republic, it is subject to the Czech legislation on condition that it is more advantageous for him in respect of certain rights (e.g. maximum working hours, minimum leave, minimum wage, occupational safety or the principle of equal treatment and non-discrimination). Details are here (www.suip.cz → English version → Information on the labour and wage conditions and terms for workers posted).
Agency employment
To get a job in the Czech Republic, you can also use the services of one of the employment agencies. In this case, you will become an employee of the employment agency, which will then assign you to the so-called user (the employer you are actually working with) to work.
Even in the case of agency employment, the principle of equal treatment must be respected. The user (employer) must not discriminate you against your core employees.
Details of agency employment can be found here.
Membership and participation in trade unions
The right to associate in trade unions is guaranteed by the International Labour Organization Convention 87.
Membership in trade unions is possible without any difference, i. e. regardless of citizenship. It is also possible to establish a new trade union organization, at least 3 founding members are needed to establish it.
Recognition of education
The procedure of recognition of foreign education or its part is called “nostrifikace”.
All important information is summarized in a brochure made by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport [Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy] (www.msmt.cz English website → EU and International Affairs → Recognition of qualification and education in the Czech Republic)
Recognition of foreign basic, secondary and tertiary professional education: recognition is carried out by regional authorities [krajský úřad] in the place of your residence in the Czech Republic. For more information you may ask your local regional authority, you’ll find further information also in the brochure
Recognition of higher (university) education is carried out by public universities that have a study programme with similar content as regards the subject of study upon a written request. For more information you may ask at the university (office of the rector), you’ll find further information also on the website of Ministry of Education (www.msmt.cz English website → EU and International Affairs → Recognition of qualification and education in the Czech Republic → Academic Recognition) or in the brochure
Czech Republic has concluded international agreements on recognition of education with some countries, that provide for simplified procedure, for more information see the website of Ministry of Education (under the links above) or in the brochure
Recognition of qualification
Recognition of qualification is a procedure, the aim of which is to assess whether a person has sufficient qualification (i.e. meets specified requirements) for the performance of a certain regulated profession/occupation. A profession is regulated if the law stipulates specific conditions for its performance, such as education in a specific field, certain length of practice or medical fitness.
If you wish to perform a regulated profession, you should make an application to a recognition body. The list of regulated professions in the Czech Republic and their respective recognition bodies, as well as specific requirements, is available in the Database of Regulated Professions
You may find more information in the brochure, on the website of Ministry of Education (www.msmt.cz English website → EU and International Affairs → Recognition of qualification and education in the Czech Republic → Recognition of professional qualification). Database of regulated profession in whole European Union is available on the website of European Commission.
Professional associations
As an EU citizen, you have the same rights as Czech citizens regarding employment. However, several professions such as attorney, doctor, dentist, tax advisor or architect require membership in a professional association. The list of those professions is available here.
As an EU citizen, you can also start your business in the Czech Republic.
In the Czech Republic, you can either be self-employed (a so-called OSVČ = osoba samostatně výdělečně činná), providing services based on your trade licence or a different permit/concession, or you can set up a company/branch and provide services through this company. For more information, visit this web site.
Running a business is called licensed trade [živnost]. Trade means a continuing activity carried out independently in one's own name and at one's own responsibility in order to achieve a profit and under the conditions laid down by the Trades Licensing Act. For running your own business, you need a trade licence [živnostenské oprávnění].
There are several types of trades in the Czech Republic. Information about each of them is available here (only in Czech): unqualified notifiable trade [volná živnost], professional notifiable trade [vázaná živnost], vocational notifiable trade [řemeslná živnost] and permitted trade[koncese].
Recognition of qualification for business – It is also possible to apply for recognition of qualification for business in case you have a certificate from abroad. The application is not free of charge. (www.mpo.cz → Business → Licensed Trades → Recognition of Professional Qualifications for Licensed Trades)
Important! Several professions such as attorneys, doctors, dentists, tax advisers or architects require membership in a professional association. The list of these professions is here: .
Temporarily providing services [dočasné poskytování služeb] – as an EU citizen, you can also provide services on a temporary and/or occasional basis in the Czech territory („Cross-border provision of services“). The temporary and occasional nature of provision of services is assessed with regard to its duration, regularity, periodicity and continuity in the territory of the Czech Republic.
If you temporarily and occasionally provide services in the Czech Republic, which are among unqualified, professional or vocational notifiable trade or permitted trade, you are obliged to notify in writing the provision of services to the Ministry of Trade [Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu] before you start providing the service.
For more information about temporary provision of services, visit this website .
You can apply for Issue of attestations of professional qualifications in the Czech Republic. (www.mpo.cz → Business → Licensed Trades → Issue of Certificates of Professional Competence and Performance of the Said Activities in the CR)
For more information about running a business on regular or permanent basis in the Czech Republic, visit this website (www.businessinfo.cz English version Point of single contact → Run your business).
Entry and residence in the territory of the Czech Republic
As EU national you may enter freely the territory of the Czech Republic and have freedom of movement here. It is sufficient to travel with a valid ID card and/or a passport. (webpage https://www.mvcr.cz/mvcren/ → Useful Information → Immigration → EU citizens and their family members)
Refusal of entry– The Police of the Czech Republic may refuse your entry into the territory of the Czech Republic. They may do so for instance in cases when you have no valid travel document (passport or ID card) and are unable to prove your identity by another document. Another example is if an alert has been issued with respect to you in the national records of undesirable persons and if reasonable danger pertains that you might be a threat to the security of the state or seriously impede public policy of the state. As a rule the Police has to issue a decision on refusal of entry. There are only a few exemptions to this rule. You may learn here what remedy is available against such a decision: Remedies.
In case you intend to stay in the Czech Republic for a period longer than 30 days, you have to register your stay at the Police of the Czech Republic. In such a case, within 30 days from entry into the Czech Republic you have to inform the local department of the Foreign Police (competent depending on your place of stay) that you are present in the territory.
In case you intend to stay in the territory for longer than 3 months, you may apply for a certificate of your temporary stay. No fee is required for lodging the application.
After 5 years of continuous temporary stay in the Czech Republic, you may ask for a permanent residence permit. In some cases you may file an application for permanent residence permit even sooner than that (e. g. in case you are a spouse of a Czech national). Again, no fee is required for lodging the application.
Application forms for a certificate of temporary stay or permanent residence permit can be downloaded here and here . (https://www.mvcr.cz/mvcren/ Useful Information → Immigration → EU citizens and their family members → Application Requirements)
Application forms have to be filled in in Czech (or Slovak) language. In general, any other documents in a foreign language have to be submitted in their original, but you also have to submit an official translation into the Czech language. Unless you can speak Czech, you will need assistance from an interpreter. You bear the costs of translation or interpretation. You may search for official translators and/or interpreters in this list .
In case you are issued a certificate of temporary stay, a birth registration number will also be assigned to you. This number is a personal identification number and it is essential when you pay your health and social insurance or taxes.
Refusal to issue or revocation of a temporary residence certificate– Ministry of Interior may refuse to issue a temporary residence certificate (if you became a burden on the social assistance for persons with disabilities or the assistance system in material need; there is a reasonable risk that you could endanger state security or seriously disrupt public order; you are registered in the register of undesirable persons and there is still a reasonable risk that you might endanger state security or seriously disrupt public order) or revoke it . In both cases the ministry will issue a decision and set forth a deadline within which you have to leave the country. You will learn below what steps you may take to appeal such a decision.
Refusal to issue or revocation of a permanent residence permit – the Ministry of Interior may refuse or revoke your permanent residence permit. The ministry will issue a decision which can be appealed against. You may find below what remedies are available. You may find more information about the reasons for refusal or revocation of either temporary residence certificate or permanent residence permit at the webpage of Ministry of Interior (https://www.mvcr.cz/mvcren/ Useful Information → Immigration → EU citizens and their family members).
Expulsion (forced return) – you may find information on remedies in cases of administrative expulsion in the part Remedies. The reasons for expulsion are as follows:
Temporary residence certificate
Police of the Czech Republic may expel you in case you are a threat to the security of the state; if you seriously threaten the public policy (unless you have stayed in the Czech Republic continuously for at least ten years, disregarding any time you have served a custodial sentence); or threaten public health by suffering from an illness listed in the requirements of a measure against bringing in infectious illnesses, unless you have caught the illness longer than 3 months after your entry in the territory
Permanent residence permit
In case you have a permanent residence permit the Police may only expel you in case you are a serious threat to the security of the state or in case you seriously impede the public policy and it is not sufficient to revoke your permit, given the gravity of your acts.
Exception: A decision on administrative expulsion cannot be issued a) in case of minors (persons younger than 18 years) unless this would be in their best interest b) in case you have stayed in the Czech Republic longer than 10 years (unless you are a particularly serious threat to the security of the state).
Important notice! Should your decision on refusal of entry, revocation or refusal to issue a permit or certificate or expulsion decision be based on confidential information, the reasons will only be included in the decision to the extent to which they are not confidential. Should the decision be based on you being a threat to the state security, the decision will only include a statement that the reason is‚ threat to the security of the state without further explanation. Even in such cases the decision has to contain assessment whether the impact of the decision is proportionate to your right to a family and private life.
Remedies – information on how to appeal against entry ban, refusal to issue or revocation a certificate of temporary residence or permanent residence permit is available in part Remedies.
You may acquire more information and useful contacts at the webpage of Ministry of Interior or may call at the hotline of the Ministry of Interior (https://www.mvcr.cz/mvcren/ Useful Information → Immigration → Contacts). In case of need you may also contact these organizations which provide legal aid to foreigners .
Family members
You can learn who is a family member of an EU citizen here and here .
Entry – when arriving at the territory of the Czech Republic, it is distinguished whether family members come from a country with a visa duty to enter the Czech Republic or from a visa-free country. Citizens of certain states have duty to apply for a visa. The list of states with a visa duty is here . You can learn more about visa for family members here and here.
Family member without a visa duty – you can stay temporarily in the territory of the Czech Republic without a visa. You can find specific information at the webpage of Ministry of Foreign Affairs (https://www.mzv.cz/jnp/en/index.html → Entry & Residence → Schengen Visas → Family members of EU citizens).
Family member with a visa duty – you have to lodge an application in person at the embassy of the Czech Republic (or at an embassy which represents the embassy of the Czech Republic) in the state of your citizenship or in a state which granted him permanent residence permit. There is an exception for the citizens of the following states who may lodge an application for a visa at any embassy of the Czech Republic: here. Once the embassy receives your application, it will determine the date of a meeting. Please check at the embassy whether you have to be accompanied by an interpreter from your language before you go to that meeting. In case the closest embassy is too far away from your place of residence, when lodging your application you may request that further communication with you is by email.
The embassy has to issue a decision on your application within 14 days. More information about remedies against refusal of your application follows in the part Remedies.
Further information about the embassy at which you may lodge a visa application (for example in cases there is no representation of the Czech Republic in your country) can be found here, here and here (https://www.mzv.cz/jnp/en/index.html → Entry & Residence → Schengen Visas).
Refusal of entry – in exceptional cases it may happen that the police refuses your entry in the territory and shall annul your visa. Refusals of entry are most common due to the fact that a foreigner has not submitted a valid visa or residence permit (while being from a state with a visa duty). Another reasons for refusal of entry are that there is reasonable danger that you might represents a danger for public policy or public security for the state or another state. Another reason for a refusal of entry may be the fact that you do not have a valid travel document (passport or ID) and cannot prove your identity by another document. You may find information about how to appeal against a refusal of entry in the part Remedies.
After arrival to the Czech Republic, it is necessary that you report at the department of Foreign Police (odbor cizinecké policie in your place of residence within 30 days from the day of his arrival.
Stay shorter than 3 months – the position of family members with visa duty is distinct from those from visa-free countries also for stays shorter than three months. You can find details here. We recommend that you calculate how long you can stay in the Schengen Area with the aid of Schengen Visa Calculator (here). Please beware! When this type of stay is concerned, after three months you have to quit not only the territory of the Czech Republic, but you also have to leave the Schengen Area!
Temporary stay – As a family member of an EU citizen, you have to lodge an application for a residence permit for temporary stay within three months from their arrival to the Czech Republic, if your stay exceeds three months. The application has to be lodged at the competent local subsidiary of the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy of the Ministry of Interior (here https://www.mvcr.cz/mvcren/ Useful Information → Immigration → EU citizens and their family members → Temporary residence). During the course of the proceedings you have the right of residence in the Czech Republic and the right to work, in case this has been your first application. In such a case a visa sticker will be issued into your travel document. Without a visa sticker you have no right of residence and you have to leave the country!
Permanent residence permit – As a family member of an EU citizen, you can apply for a permanent residence permit under certain circumstances. You can find specific conditions here. (https://www.mvcr.cz/mvcren/ Useful Information → Immigration → EU citizens and their family members → Permanent residence)
Application forms for a temporary stay permit or permanent residence permit can be downloaded here and here. (https://www.mvcr.cz/mvcren/ Useful Information → Immigration → EU citizens and their family members → Application forms)
Application has to be submitted in Czech (or Slovak) language. As a rule, any documents in a foreign language have to be submitted in the original language and, at the same time, in an officially certified translation into the Czech language. In case you do not command Czech language, you will need assistance from a translator. You have to bear the costs for translation. A list of interpreters and translators can be found here.
In case you are granted temporary residence permit, birth registration number [rodné číslo] will also be assigned to you. This number is a personal identification number and it is essential when you pay your health and social insurance or taxes
Refusal to grant permit – In case Ministry of Interior refuses to grant you a temporary or permanent residence permit, you can appeal against the decision. More information about remedies is available below.
Termination and revoking residence permit – Ministry of Interior can revoke a residence permit under certain circumstances. You can find more details here. ((https://www.mvcr.cz/mvcren/). More information about the reasons for refusal to grant or revocation of a temporary or permanent residence permit can be found at the webpage of Ministry of Interior. (Useful Information → Immigration → EU citizens and their family members → Ending and revoking a residence permit and leaving the CR). Please check the part Remedies for more information about your options to appeal against such a decision.
Expulsion – information about remedies in cases of administrative expulsion can be found in the part Remedies. The reasons for administrative expulsion leading to a forced return are as follows:
<p>temporary stay</p> </li> <li> <p>Police of the Czech Republic can issue an administrative expulsion decision in case you are a threat to state security or seriously impede public policy (unless you have stayed in the Czech Republic continuously for at least ten years, disregarding aby time you have served a custodial sentence) or are a threat to public health, since you suffer from illness requirements of a measure against bringing in infectious illnesses, unless you have caught the illness longer than 3 months after your entry in the territory. in case you have a permanent residence permit the Police may only expel you in case you are a serious threat to the security of the state or in case you seriously impede the public policy and it is not sufficient to revoke your permit, given the gravity of your acts. Exception: A decision on administrative expulsion cannot be issued</p> </li> <li> <p>c) in case of minors (persons younger than 18) unless this would be in their best interest</p> </li> <li> <p>d) in case you have stayed in the Czech Republic longer than 10 years (unless you are a particularly serious threat to the security of the state).</p> </li> <li> <p>Important! In case a decision on refusal of entry, expulsion decision, refusal to grant residence permit or revocation of such a permit is based also on classified information reasons shall only be stated to the extent to which they do not fall within classified information. Should the decision be based on you being a threat to the state security, the decision will only include a statement that the reason is threat to the security of the state without further explanation. Even in such cases the decision has to contain assessment whether the impact of the decision is proportionate to your right to a family and private life.</p> </li> <li> <p>Important notice! In case classified information was used to refuse your entry, reject your application for a residence permit, revoke your residence permit or for your expulsion decision, the same applies as for EU citizens (see Entry and Residence).</p> </li> <li> <p>How to appeal (remedies) check also Remedies</p> </li> <li> <p>More information can be found on</p> </li> <li> <p><a href="https://www.mvcr.cz/mvcren/article/eu-citizens-and-their-family-members.aspx">https://www.mvcr.cz/mvcren/article/eu-citizens-and-their-family-members.aspx</a> webpage of Ministry of Interior or you may call the</p> </li> <li> <p><a href="https://www.mvcr.cz/docDetail.aspx?docid=21679744">https://www.mvcr.cz/docDetail.aspx?docid=21679744</a> hotline of Ministry of Interior</p> </li> <li> <p><a href="https://www.mvcr.cz/mvcren/">https://www.mvcr.cz/mvcren/</a> Useful Information Immigration Contacts).</p> </li>
Health insurance and health care
Health care – as an EU citizen you have the right for the same health care as Czech citizens
You may file a complaint if you are not satisfied with the quality of health care that you received or with the conduct of medical staff, more information here (www.mzcr.cz/cizinci → Procedure for filing a complaint against healthcare received)
You may be insured in public health insurance system only in one European Union country
The country of insurance is the country where you work either as an employee or as a self-employed person (with the exception of temporary posting of workers or seasonal workers, special rules apply to frontier workers)
If you are not an employee nor a self-employed person, your country of insurance is most probably the country where you habitually reside, more information here (kancelarzp.cz → Temporary stay in CZ → EU insured person)
Health insurance premium – if you are employed under labour contract, the premium is deducted directly from your wages (work under agreement to complete a job or agreement to perform work is not considered as work under labour contract); if you are not, you have to pay the premium yourself – ask your health insurance company
If you are insured in another EU country, upon presentation of EHIC card (blue card proving public health insurance in EU) you are entitled to necessary health care in the Czech Republic
You have to notify your health insurance company about all changes of personal data (name and surname, address, change of employment)
Some insurance companies offer also private health insurance, but that does not necessarily cover all health care and usually is less advantageous than public health insurance
If you terminate your work in one country and plan to move to another, it is recommended to collect certificate proving the duration of your health insurance
For more information see https://www.kancelarzp.cz/index.php/en
Social security
In order to make it easier for EU citizens to move and work abroad, EU has adopted rules for determination which country is responsible for payment of social security benefits
Under these rules you may be subject to legislation of only one country – the country of insurance
The country of insurance is the country where you work either as an employee or as a self-employed person (with the exception of temporary posting of workers or seasonal workers, special rules apply to frontier workers). If you don’t work, the country of insurance is usually the country of your residence
In the country of insurance you should have equal access to social security contributions as its citizens
When deciding about your entitlement to social security benefits, the competent institution takes into account periods of insurance, employment or self-employment completed in other EU countries
Social security contributions – if you are employed under labour contract, the contributions are deducted directly from your wages; if you are not, you have pay the contributions yourself – ask the local office of the Social Security Administration [Okresní správa sociálního zabezpečení]
In some cases you may be asked by social security institution or Labour Office to fill in a questionnaire to find out what your country of residence is
You may ask the Social Security Administration for more information on pensions (retirement or invalidity), sickness benefits, maternity or paternity benefits; or the Labour Office for more information on unemployment benefits, family benefits, assistance in material need
If you terminate your work in one country and plan to move to another, it is recommended to collect certificate proving the duration of your social insurance (ask labour authority office in the country of work)
More information is available on the website of Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs or Czech Social Security Administration [Česká správa sociálního zabezpečení] or contact EURES at local Labour Office
More information on social security coordination in the EU is available here and EU Practical Guide on the Applicable Legislation in the EU may be download here
Czech language courses
- You may visit language courses in integration centres for improvement language skills. Integration centres are located in every county. Contacts for individual branches and further information about their activities can be found at www.integracnicentra.cz/?lang=en.
Sale of goods and services
Providers of goods and services may not discriminate against the service recipient/buyer on grounds of her nationality, if there is no objectively justifiable ground. If you feel discriminated, you may file a complaint to the Czech Trade Inspection Authority [Česká obchodní inspekce].
Provision of financial services (loan, mortgage, insurance) has its specificities. In case of discrimination, you may file a complaint to the Czech National Bank [Česká národní banka] (www.cnb.cz/en → Supervision, regulation → Consumer protection and financial literacy → Consumer protection), or in case of consumer credit provided by non-bank consumer credit providers to Czech Trade Inspection Authority [Česká obchodní inspekce].
It is important that everyone who legally resides in the Czech Republic or another EU country has the right to opening one basic payment account.
You can see also recommendations with infographic od the Defender for stating library rules so that these would refrain from discriminating EU citizens on the grounds of their nationality.
Payment of income taxes depends on whether you are a tax resident or tax non-resident. If you are a Czech tax resident, you have unlimited tax obligation, i.e. you are taxed on your worldwide income. If you are a Czech tax non-resident, you are taxed only on your Czech-source income.
It is not always easy to determine tax residency. The rules are to be found in the Act on Income Taxes [zákon o daních z příjmů]. If you are a tax resident of more countries, take a look in the treaty on avoidance of double taxation between the respective country and the Czech Republic, the list is available here, only in Czech (https://www.mfcr.cz/en/ → Themes → Taxes → Double taxation).
Tax residency is usually determined according to this criteria (successively): 1. permanent home, 2. centre of vital interests, 3. habitual residence (in the Czech Republic at least 183 days in a year), 4. state citizenship. If you live and work in the Czech Republic for the whole year, you will most probably be Czech tax resident. But it depends on several circumstances, so in case of doubt is better to find professional assistance.
Income tax obligation is usually different if you are an employee or if you are self-employed.
If you live and work in the territory of the Czech Republic, you usually have to pay income tax from your salary or wages. If you are employed, your employer usually deducts the advance income tax. You may ask the employer to make annual statement of tax [roční zúčtování daně] (every year till 15th February), or you may file a tax declaration [daňové přiznání] yourself (every year till 1st April). If you are self-employed, you have to file the tax declaration yourself.
For more information visit Your Europe website (https://europa.eu/youreurope/ → Citizens → Work & Retirement → Taxes → Income taxes abroad) or contact financial administration bodies (www.financnisprava.cz English version → Financial Administration → Financial Administration Bodies).
In any case, we recommend you to ask a tax adviser for help. The list of income tax advisers, who speak English, is available here.
Education and schools
There are two types of school in the Czech Republic – public and private.
Public schools (elementary, high, college) are free of charge. Kindergarten is usually not free of charge. You should count with other expenses for snacks and lunches anyway.
Private schools are not free of charge. School fees are different in each school.
It may be rather difficult to find a suitable school for your children. If there more than one schools (nursery schools, elementary school) in your city, the city has a duty to define school districts. For each school district one local school [spádová škola] is given. Children resident in school district of the local school have priority in enrolment procedure. Ask the municipality authority, which school in the city is your local school.
Preschool education – Preschool education is the initial level of public education organised and governed by the requirements and instructions of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports [Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy]. Last year of nursery school is called pre-school year. Every pre-school child is obliged to attend the kindergarten and the municipalities guarantee a place for your child. Otherwise, this child will not be allowed to attend the first year of elementary school. (www.msmt.cz → Areas of Work → Preschool Education)
Elementary school – Children in the Czech Republic are obliged to attend the elementary for 9 years (usually between 6-15 y.).
High school – there are several types of high schools. For more information, visit this website (www.studyin.cz).
Universities – For more information about tertiary education, visit this website (www.msmt.cz Areas of Work → Tertiary Education → Czech education system). The list of Czech universities is available here.
For those children, whose mother tongue is other language than Czech (children with different mother tongue, in Czech „děti s OMJ“), there are several supportive measures. The aim of supportive measures is to adapt children’s education in the Czech Republic. For more information, ask Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports [Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy].
For more information about Czech educational system, visit this website (https://portal.studyin.cz/find-your-institution/) or read this** handbook for parents (available in CZE, ENG, AR, RUS, FR).**
There are two types of housing in the Czech Republic – private and council housing
It is important to report your residence to the appropriate Foreign Police Department that holds jurisdiction in the location of your stay in the Czech Republic (Policie ČR, odbor cizinecké policie).
You can also buy own house/flat or you can eventually rent one. There are lot of websites, where you can find some accommodation. There are also many real estate agencies, which could help you find suitable accommodation. Services of real estate agencies are paid. For this reason, you should ask about their prices in advance.
Rent arises from the lease contract between the landlord and the tenant (you). The Czech Civil Code protects rights of tenants.
If you wish to purchase real estate, you can ask a bank, which offers mortgage services.
Some cities offer council housing too. Council housing is mainly offered to people with a lower income. For this reason, the council housing is usually cheaper. You may ask the municipal authority in your city, if they also offer council housing and on what conditions.
If you are an EU citizen, you may take part in municipal elections if you possess a certificate of temporary residence or permanent residence permit and have your registered place of residence in the municipality or town, but firstly you have to file an application to be included in an addendum to the regular electoral register at the municipal office. You may also stand as a candidate in the elections. More information also here (www.mvcr.cz English version → Useful information → Immigration → EU citizens and their family members → Voting in elections).
Apart from voting, EU citizens with permanent residence may take part in political life in the municipality of their residence in other ways too – they may vote in local referendum, present their opinions on debated issues in sessions of the municipal council, look into municipal budget and resolutions bodies of the municipality, file motions to responsible bodies of the municipality, etc.
If you are an EU citizen, you may take part in elections to the European Parliament if you are registered for permanent residence or temporary residence in the Czech Republic for at least 45 days prior to the elections, but firstly you have to file an application to be included in the list of voters at the municipal office in the place of your residence which has to be made no later than 40 days before the elections. You may also stand as a candidate in the elections. More information also here (www.mvcr.cz English version → Useful information → Immigration → EU citizens and their family members → Voting in elections)
Registration of vehicles and driving licences
Driving licences issued in one country of the European Union are automatically recognized in other EU countries. If you move to another EU country for a period longer than 6 months, you are obliged to register your vehicle in the new country. Deadlines for registration depend on each country, in the Czech Republic it is 10 workdays. Registration is carried out by local municipal authority [obecní úřad obce s rozšířenou působností] in the place of your residence. The registration of a vehicle is connected with the obligation to have compulsory third party liability insurance valid in the country where you reside. You may find more information here.