I am not sure how to deal with a difficult life situation
- Граждани на Европейския съюз
- Омбудсмен или уполномоченный по правам человека: Что он делает, а что нет?
- Равное обращение и защита от дискриминации
- Тюрьма
- Урегулирование порядка общения обоих родителей с ребенком, споры между родителями
- Юридическая помощь
- Я иностранец и оформляю разрешение на долгосрочное проживание
- Як омбудсмен може допомогти українцям, що переїхали в Чехію у зв’язку з війною
- Adjustment of contact of both parents with a child, disputes between parents in carrying out the contact
- Ben bir çocuğum ve yabancı bir ülkede güvenli bir yer arıyorum veya ailemi Avrupa'da arıyorum
- Bürger der Europäischen Union
- Citizens of the European Union
- Citoyens de l'Union européenne
- Consumer protection
- Emotional abuse at work: Mobbing, Bossing and Discrimination
- Equal Treatment and Protection Against Discrimination
- Exploitation
- Gleichbehandlung und Schutz vor Diskriminierung
- Healthcare – Frequently asked questions
- Health insurance for foreign nationals
- Дозвіл на перебування в Чеській Республіці у зв’язку з війною в Українi
- I am a foreigner and I am in a facility
- I am a foreigner applying for a long-term residence permit
- I am a child looking for safety in a foreign country or looking for my family in Europe – Kurdish
- Labour-Law Relationships and Labour Inspection
- La discrimination
- Legal aid
- Obywatele Unii Europejskiej
- Ombudsman – the Public Defender of Rights: What (s)he can and cannot do
- Ombudsman ou défenseur public des droits: que fait-il et que ne fait-il pas?
- Ombudsmann oder Bürgerbeauftragter: Was tut er und was nicht?
- Online hate speech
- Organizations providing legal assistance to foreigners and refugees in the Czech Republic
- Police
- Prisons (EN)
- Prisons (F)
- Protection of persons restricted in their freedom
- Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich: jakie ma kompetencje?
- Shared economy: I rent a flat via Airbnb, Booking,...
- Social and legal protection of children
- Special powers of the public defender of rights
- Tôi là người nước ngoài và tôi muốn giải quyết các thủ tục liên quan đến giấy tờ cư trú dài hạn
- Trại giam
- Yabancılar ve mülteciler konularıyla ilgilenen kuruluşlar