ALERT: Українці, увага! Тут ви можете знайти важливі посилання з інформацією про ваше перебування в Чеській Республіці.


Release from employment in civil service due to HIV diagnosis

February 24, 2014 News

Infection with HIV (including the asymptomatic phase) can be considered disability, i.e. a prohibited ground of discrimination according to the Antidiscrimination Act. On the basis of the Defender’s report, the complainant filed a court action.

Shortcoming in providing subsidies from the Green Savings Programme

December 10, 2013 News

The Ombudsman informed the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic about shortcoming of the Ministry of Environment and the State Environmental Fund in proving subsidies from the Green Savings Programme. The Ombudsman has not managed to achieve adequate remedial measures, even after having advised a higher authority or the government or informed the public of the findings from inquiries.

Instant assistance allowance for covering co-payments for medicinal products

November 20, 2013 News

The ombudsman dealt with a complaint about the procedure of a labour office which had not awarded an instant assistance allowance for covering co-payments for medicinal products, stating that expenses for medicinal products were already contained in the amount of the living minimum and that they needed to be paid from the subsistence allowance received by the complainant. He arrived at a conclusion that the office had erred because it had failed to substantiate in a sufficient manner its decision not to award the benefit.  

Financial compensation of a victim of discrimination

October 31, 2013 News

Thanks to collaboration of the Ombudsman with Pro bono aliance, a complainant received CZK 80,000 as compensation for discrimination in access to employment on grounds of age.

Focus on care for the elderly

March 15, 2013 News

Ombudsman started visits of facilities for seniors. His research reveals that three quarters of regional facilities for seniors write on their websites that they will not admit persons treated for a mental disease (including dementia) or people who had problems with alcohol sometimes in their life.