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Research of repletion of the collection of documents of the Trade Register

February 25, 2013 News

More than two thirds of entrepreneurs do not publish their annual statements in the Trade Register, although it is their obligation. The ombudsman performed an inquiry in order to determine whether registration courts monitor the correctness of the recorded data and the completeness of the collection of documents.

Supervision over restriction of personal freedom in the end of 2012

February 7, 2013 News

Within the fourth quarter of 2012 the ombudsman conducted eight systematic visits, held meeting with the directors of visited institution for children and prepared the systematic visits to institutions for persons suffering from dementia.

Ombudsman succeeded with his critics of the project DONEZ

January 30, 2013 News

After critics of the system and unsuccessful recommendation addressed to the Chamber of Deputies to cancel the part of provision of employment law the ombudsman announced he was considering bringing an action to the administrative court protect the public interest. On the 24th January the Minister of Labour announced, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs is going to dampen the project.

To the subject-matter of the noise protection act

December 14, 2012 News

Ombdusman stated that by the failure to discuss the subject-matter of the bill sufficiently with the public, its quality, in addition to democratic values, suffered.

Ombudsman's action to protect public interest

August 18, 2012 News

Ombudsman filed the first action to protect public interest against a building permit for a photovoltaic power plant, using his new powers based on an amendment to the Code of Administrative Justice.

Research confirms indirect discrimination against Romany pupils

June 7, 2012 News

Although the proportion of Romany people in the Czech Republic ranges from 1.4 – 2.8 % of the total number of inhabitants, 32 % of pupils in practical elementary schools are Romany children. This figure is based on a survey carried out by the Public Defender of Rights in 67 randomly selected practical elementary schools in all the regions of the Czech Republic.

Settlement of compensation claims

January 30, 2012 News

Investigation into the settlement of compensation claims in compliance with Law No. 82/1998 Coll., the Liability for Damage Caused When Exercising Public Authority by a Decision or a Wrong Procedure Act, as subsequently amended

Cooperation with advertisement portals

December 1, 2011 News

The ombudsman started cooperation with operator of advertisement portals to deal with discrimination in job advertisements and to raise awareness of labour law and the principles of anti-discrimination.

Functionality of the Visapoint system

November 16, 2011 News

As part of several cases the ombudsman found that for certain destinations (the Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Vietnam) the Visapoint system does not allow users to register to submit applications for long-term visas or short-term/permanent residency.

Unlawful procedure of gambling permitting

October 25, 2011 News

Ombudsman considers the procedure of gambling permitting adopted by the Ministry of Finance to be unlawful. Ministry has failed to properly apply the provisions of the Lotteries Act and has not respected the generally binding municipal directives regulating the operation of gambling machines.