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Removal of children for housing reasons

June 16, 2008 News

Removal of children for housing reasons

The Defender found serious maladministration in the procedure of the body of social and legal protection of children (ASLPC), both in connection with filing a motion for ordering a preliminary injunction and in deciding on the awarding of children to pre-foster care. The Defender’s opinion is that in a situation where the mother had advised the ASLPC of her decision to deal with her adverse housing situation by moving to her parents, the motion for preliminary injunction removing the child from the mother should no longer have been filed. The Defender furthermore stated that the ASLPC had exceeded its powers when issuing a “confirmation” for the hospital personnel not to release the children into their parents’ care without consent from the ASLPC. The medical personnel then illegally refused to surrender the children to their mother and thus prevented her from leaving with the children to their grandparents in Slovakia. The Defender furthermore finds maladministration in awarding the children to pre-foster care as the situation in the family had been so stabilised at the time of issuing the decision that it would have been appropriate to negotiate return of the children to the family. The children’s contact with the parents was interrupted in the subsequent pre-foster care. The Defender attributes the situation occurring to poor preparation of the pre-foster care and insufficient guidance of the foster parents by the ASLPC. The Defender awaits a statement of the authority on the ascertained maladministration and will consider further procedure.

Procedure of the Ministry of Finance in fixing the maximum price of Visudyne

June 4, 2008 News

Procedure of the Ministry of Finance in fixing the maximum price of Visudyne

In association with inquiring into an individual complaint pertaining to the amount of patients’ supplementary payment for Visudyne (a medicine), the Defender’s deputy was informed that Visudyne is supplied by Novartis to the Czech Republic for a higher price than in other EU member states (except Slovakia). Given these facts, the deputy decided to open an inquiry on her own initiative to ascertain whether the pricing decision of the Ministry of Finance in the case of Visudyne was issued in accordance with valid legislation.

Dispute about the existence of a publicly accessible purpose-built road in a municipality

April 10, 2008 News

Dispute about the existence of a publicly accessible purpose-built road in a municipality

The Defender opened an inquiry on his own initiative in the matter of a dispute about the existence of a purpose-built road. He ascertained during the inquiry that the highway administrative authority entirely lacks qualified methodological assistance from the regional authority or, as the case may be, the Ministry of Transport. He therefore produced a report on the inquiry with a detailed description of how a road arises, how a publicly accessible purpose-built road differs from a local road and how the highway administrative authority should proceed in cases where access to a road is restricted. The manner in which the highway administrative authority determines the existence or the lack of a road was one of the basic issues dealt with. The Defender stated that in his opinion there may be a procedure pursuant to Section 142 of the Code of Administrative Procedure where the administrative authority issues a declaratory decision.

Ascertaining the reasons for the death of a child in Great Britain

March 26, 2008 News

Ascertaining the reasons for the death of a child in Great Britain

An inquiry into the death of a child of a Czech citizen in a hospital in Great Britain was performed on the basis of a complaint from Senator Božena Sekaninová. The child had died in a British hospital in unexplained circumstances and the mother had not received an autopsy protocol or other information regarding the reasons for the death of her daughter. Although the Defender did not have a direct mandate in the matter (the complainant challenged the procedure of British institutions), the deputy of the Defender provided her with detailed legal advice for dealing with the situation (via the embassy in Great Britain) as well as information on the potential for further intervention of the Defender towards Czech authorities.

Unauthorised disposal of hazardous waste in Libčany

March 14, 2008 News

Unauthorised disposal of hazardous waste in Libčany

Based on a complaint filed together by Senator Karel Barták, mayor of Hradec Králové Otakar Divíšek, Deputy of Parliament David Kafka, and mayor of the Libčany municipality Jiří Polák, the deputy of the Defender opened an inquiry into the unauthorised disposal of hazardous waste in Libčany near Hradec Králové and in Hradec Králové.

Inspection of work safety and illegal employment

September 3, 2007 News

Inspection of work safety and illegal employment

Based on information from previous complaints, the deputy of the Defender opened an inquiry on the Defender’s own initiative regarding the inspection work of the Area Labour Inspectorate for Prague. The Area Inspectorate had performed an inspection on the basis of a complaint from a complainant whose husband had worked for a company without any contract and suffered an occupational injury. However, the Area Inspectorate had failed to ascertain that the husband of the complainant had not been employed with the company concerned at all and found just minor maladministration in the area of work safety.

Unauthorised disposal of hazardous waste in Libčany

September 3, 2007 News

Unauthorised disposal of hazardous waste in Libčany

Following a complaint filed together with Senator Karel Barták, the mayor of Hradec Králové Otakar Divíšek, the Deputy of Parliament David Kafka and the mayor of the Libčany municipality Jiří Polák, the deputy of the Defender opened an inquiry into the unauthorised disposal of hazardous waste in Libčany near Hradec Králové and in Hradec Králové.

Eviction of Romani families from Vsetín

August 16, 2007 News

Eviction of Romani families from Vsetín

The inquiry in the case of the eviction of the Romani residents from the balcony house in Smetanova street in Vsetín was closed, stating maladministration by the Municipal Authority in Vsetín.

International child abduction

August 16, 2007 News

International child abduction – the right to a fair trial and the protection of the interests of children

In May 2006, the Public Defender of Rights of the Czech Republic decided on his own initiative to investigate the widely medialised case of children who had been abducted by their mother from Argentina to the Czech Republic. He surveyed the case with regard to the delays in the court proceedings, provision for the interests of the children and adherence to international obligations. It is not the competence of the Czech Ombudsman to review the decision-making activities of courts.

Situation of the residents of a burned down house in Přízová street in Brno

August 16, 2007 News

Dealing with the situation of the residents of a burned down house in Přízová street in Brno

The deputy of the Defender decided to open an inquiry in April 2007 into the matter of providing housing to the residents of a burned down house in Přízova street in Brno. The inquiry concerns the granting of social aid to the residents who have found themselves in an extraordinary situation, including the granting of benefits of aid in material need, provision of the social and legal protection of children and the procedure of the planning authority.

Number of Complaints Received and Handled in the 1st quarter of 2007

July 26, 2007 News

Number of Complaints Received and Handled in the 1st quarter of 2007

In the first quarter of 2007, the Defender received 1,749 complaints, of which 981 (56%) were within the Defender’s mandate and 768 (44%) outside his mandate. In the same period of 2006 the Defender received 1,954 complaints, of which 1,014 (52%) were within his mandate.

The Defender’s Activities in the Area of Detention in the 1st quarter of 2007

July 26, 2007 News

The Defender’s Activities in the Area of Detention in the 1st quarter of 2007

In March 2007, the Defender published his conclusions from visits to facilities for the exercise of institutional and protective education carried out in the fourth quarter of 2006. The unabridged version of the extensive reports from such facilities is displayed on the Defender’s website in the Ochrana osob omezených na svobodě section.