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Only systematic monitoring and analysis is the way to find out how the Czech Republic is doing in implementing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, agreed participants of the international seminar

September 15, 2021 News

There are more than 1.1 million people with disabilities living in the Czech Republic. While some data on their situation are already available from various sources, others are not tracked yet in the Czech Republic. That is why the Deputy Ombudsman proposed a set of indicators that, taken as a whole, could illustrate how the Czech Republic is doing in implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

Unusual Name Can Cause Problems in Registration for Vaccination against COVID-19

August 30, 2021 News

Thanks to the case of a complainant, whose identity could not be verified in the population record by the registration system for vaccination against COVID-19, we have found out that it might prove problematic in more than solely in an individual case. Despite the complainant disposes of both the Czech citizenship and personal identification number, and she filled in the data in the first step of registration correctly, the system did not allow her to continue. She was left without the PIN2 code and could not succeed in choosing the vaccination date. According to the Ombudsman´s findings, she is not the only one with a similar problem – the cause might have rested in her unusual name.

Majority of Czech libraries treats EU citizens equally, however, there are challenges, notes the Ombudsman in an analysis

June 10, 2021 News

The Ombudsman looked into the services of libraries in relation to equality of conditions for EU citizens coming from other Member States and Czech citizens. “It is important that not only Czech citizens have access to library services, but also citizens of EU Member States do while respecting the principle of equality and the principle of non-discrimination,” said the Ombudsman Stanislav Křeček. However, the analysis of the 22 most important Czech libraries showed that this is not always the case. Certain libraries implement problematic conditions for EU citizens when registering, but especially when borrowing books and documents.

Prague and the Ombudsman Křeček ask the Ministry to change the approach of building offices in the case of apartments being used to shared accommodation

June 3, 2021 News

The current practice of providing temporary accommodation services in apartments determined to permanent living is not in accordance with the legislation and the process of re-utilization of structures of such apartments to appropriate kind of establishment shall be required. The Ombudsman, Stanislav Křeček, presented to representatives of the capital city of Prague the extent and goals of his investigation concerning this issue, which he managed to initiate.

The monitoring of the current pandemic measures in prisons

May 18, 2020 News

The Deputy Ombudsman, Monika Šimůnková, being entrusted with the supervision of places where personal freedom is restricted, is regularly monitoring the current situation in prisons. As it is not possible to carry out personal visits in prisons under the current circumstances, Ms. Šimůnková and her colleagues conduct a research on the COVID-19 protective measures taken in prisons.

Stanislav Křeček elected as the new Public Defender of Rights

March 10, 2020 News

Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic elected Mr. Stanislav Křeček as the new Public Defender of Rights for the term of six years. Mr. Křeček succeeded Ms. Anna Šabatová and took his office on 19 February 2020.