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Plan to Expand the Human Rights Activities of the Public Defender of Rights

January 23, 2020 News

The Office of the Public Defender of Rights has launched a four-year plan focused on human rights protection. The Plan will allow the ombudsman to focus even more strongly on particularly vulnerable groups, such as children, people with disabilities and people whose freedom has been restricted.

Czech Ombudswoman Anna Šabatová supports the Polish Ombudsman who faces criticism for defending human rights in Poland

July 4, 2019 News

Number of international organisations and networks, namely ENNHRI, Equinet, GANHRI, IOI and OHCHR Europe, recently issued a statement in which they openly supported the Commissioner for Human Rights of Poland Adam Bodnar who is currently facing a strong criticism including the hateful campaign against him and hate speech for publicly protecting the right to a fair trial and the prohibition from inhumane and degrading treatment.