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Ombudsman increasingly dealing with social security problems

April 17, 2018 News

The total number of complaints delivered in 2017 to the Ombudsman was 8,191. People increasingly turn to the Ombudsman's Office with their problems in the sphere of social security and also number of complaints concerning work and employment increased by 39 percent.

Ladies’ coupés on Czech Railways trains are all right

March 8, 2018 News

Ladies coupés on Czech Railways trains were introduced in 2012 after Czech Railways received a considerable number of complaints from passengers (especially women) claiming that they do not feel safe in the trains while sitting with strange men in one coupé. Inspired by the solution adopted abroad (for example in Germany or Austria), Czech Railways decided to reserve six seats (one coupé) on trains only for women.

Czech and Austrian Ombudsmen to discuss cross-border problems concerning social security benefits

February 26, 2018 News

Anna Šabatová, Czech Ombudswoman, and Günther Kräuter, one of three Austrian Ombudsmen, together with their colleagues from the social security departments met in Vienna on the 20th February and discussed the cross-border problems concerning the application of the EU Regulation on the Coordination of Social Security Systems in the EU Member States.

Czech ombudsman to deal with discrimination against EU manpower

January 5, 2018 News

Under an amendment to the anti-discrimination law which took affect on the 1st January 2018, the Czech ombudsman will observe whether foreign workers from EU countries are discriminated in the Czech Republic over their citizenship.

Findings from visits to police cells

August 30, 2017 News

Ombudsman published a report summarizing her findings from unannounced visits to 47 cells for provisional detention at 14 district police stations. Ombudsman came to conclusion that provisionally detained people are sometimes humiliated and their rights, privacy and dignity might be violated.